“Elena, you are a star! You helped me make my life as a mother worth living after a period of postnatal depression. My sessions with you were always happy moments and you helped me bond with my child, establish routines in our everyday life that were workable for me and my partner. You helped me discover ways for me to take care of myself and my baby at the same time. This was a revelation to me and not anything that I had found in all the pod casts and blogs, which I had been engaging with during my pregnancy, Thank you, thank you, thank you and I will reach out to again when I need support from your listening ear and understanding of the life of a mother of a young child." - Tine

“Elena, you were a life-saver through my time of weaning my baby of the breast and onto eating solid food. Your deep understanding of the emotional upheaval this brought to me as a mother was reassuring and helpful each time we spoke. You helped me not to go mad in blaming myself for not being a good mother. Your knowledge of the developmental needs of my baby, not only physically and emotionally but also your immense knowledge, skills and insight into nutrition and general health and well-being of a growing baby and child were just amazing and so helpful. I don’t know what I would have done without you.” - Catalina

"Working with Elena has been a game-changer for our family. Already after a couple of weeks of working with Elena and putting her suggestions into practice, I noticed changes in our dynamics. I felt empowered and more at ease and not least, our two children seemed to be getting on better with each other. This took at lot of tension and stress out of our home in general. I can highly recommend Elena to anyone feeling stuck in a negative rut as a mother with young children." - Ella

“Elena is like The Magic Porridge pot, unlimited creativity and inspiration pours out of her when I voice my struggles a home educator for my two young children age 2 and 4. Elena guided me in creating a home environment, which matched the children’s developmental stages and interests and she continues to offer her ideas and insights as they grow and their needs change. As a home educator, I have become more organised, confident, more curious about learning and in general a happier person. Our children are content and our living together as a family has become a more joyful experience for us all." - Josie

“Thank you dear Elena, connecting with you and receiving your wisdom and support guided me and my family through a tremendously challenging time of loss and disorientation. Through our continuous connection I have come to feel stronger and more connected to myself, my partner and our children as we work our way through changing habit ways of relating and living together. My experience as a mother has become a journey of joy and I am so grateful to have met you, thank you.” - Sarah

“Dear Elena, thank you for all your guidance and support. You see me and understand the parent and partner that I want to be. You helped me become just that. Our weekly conversations and sharing are a great resource of inspiration and practical support to overcome my challenges and redirect habitual ways of relating and engaging with my children in our every day life.” - Vibeke

“The terrible twos was a traumatic time for me, with my first child. Having Elena’s support for our second child has been a literal dream come true. She has been nurturing us all. Our two year old is always joyful to see her. Her depth of presence is felt on all levels. With the undivided attention that she gives our two year old, he feels her stability during his excited moments as well as frustrating ones”. - Kalindi

“Thank you Elena, you are a star! Your caring, your attentiveness and deep listening was what I needed to be able to find my own way of parenting. Your sensitivity to the uniqueness of each of us, your in-depth knowledge and experience, together with the beautiful way you share this, was invaluable input. Your continuous encouragement and support with our daily crisis, starting with the birth of our second child was a life saver for me. During our time of working with you, our daily tantrums and stress for both my husband and I were transformed into connection and a more flowing transition for everyone. When we reached out to you a year later, when our oldest started school and soon refused to go, again your encouragement and input were of great support. We went from our son hiding under our dining room table screaming to being able to create connection in a way that made it possible for me to be present with his feelings and yet support him in getting ready to leave the house for school without tears." – Mary

"I have been counting my lucky stars that you are in our lives! Your calm, friendly, smiling presence is a gift to us all. Especially to our son, who has simply been so happy in your care, from the beginning! The way you are with him is nothing short of magical. For me as a mama, I always trusted that you (as a mother of three boys) would know what to do in various challenging situations, if they arose. What I did not know at the time is how much I would learn from your example. I don't now how to describe it other than that somehow your approach, combined with your still and open mind, fosters true happiness in those in your care." - C.

“Thank you so much for your love and support over this past year. It has been a privilege to have met you and learned from you. It is wonderful to see your influence shining through in our daughter. With deep gratitude and good wishes ……” - M.

"Elena est une professionnelle très impliquée auprès des personnes qu'elle accompagne, les enfants comme les parents. Elle sait prodiguer une écoute attentive , et une guidance bienveillante. Son approche sans jugement permet de se sentir en totale confiance. Elle travaille avec une grande douceur, tout en fixant un cadre rassurant et securisant. Je me suis sentie vraiment écoutée et comprise dans mon rôle de parent ; elle sait accompagner de façon positive en tirant toujours le meilleur de la situation et en focalisant sur les ressources et les forces. Son expérience , son expertise et sa bonne humeur sont un cadeau pour les parents et les enfants qu'elle accompagne." - Candice

Feedback from professional colleagues:

“Elena demonstrated a profound understanding of child development and awareness of the needs and sensibilities of each child, making her admirably skilled at bringing out the best in each child, and fostering the realisation of each child's holistic potential. Elena is a force for unity and community harmony, instilling confidence and affection in the parents for the qualities and skills being developed in their children through the Montessori practice." - Principal of Netherton Montessori Nursery School.

“Elena relates well to people of all ages and forged strong relationships with many of the children and their families. Elena is extremely observant and attentive to detail, allowing her to spot what children might need and provide this early on, before problems escalate.” - Alice, Director of Wildsparks Outdoor Nursery and mother in a family with two young children.